Helpful webpage to look back on when developing my website -
When signed into wordpress create a new blog.
Fill in with desired Blog Address, Name for the Blog and The Privacy Settings. (I have set this to private whilst setting up my website this will be changed the public after it is finished.)
Click on the Dashboard option which can be seen when pressing on the name of your blog in the top left hand corner.
This is your dashboard where you can edit ever part of your blog / website.
By clicking on the Appearance menu of the left hand side of the dashboard you can edit the visual properties of the blog / website. Choose the Themes option to edit the majority of this.
I have chosen to use a simple Theme when setting up my website so I do not get confused. Plus I prefer the minimalistic style on websites. I chose Twenty Twelve.
I am simply naming my pages by number to go back and add content later.
Changing the settings on the right hand side to "Full-width Template, No sidebar" it will allow there to be no sidebar on the page but there to be a full width article.
By unticking these options you an delete any social media option at the bottom of your page. (As I did do so.)
I added five pages to my site by repeating the past two steps. Five times..
When viewing the home screen of the site it will now look like this.
Here you can change the site title and tagline.
To remove your home page select the option that says front page displays "Your latest posts"
Here you can choose which page will be your "homepage"
By choosing the "colors" option on the right hand side you can change the text colour and background colour of the Twenty Ten theme.
You will find that this annoying comments box is at the bottom of your pages. This makes it look more like a blog than website.
By going back to your "pages" option and on the individual page click "quick settings" these options should appear. Untick all so they dont appear on your page,
Go back to your dashboard and select Appearance then Menus to organize menus for your pages.
By dragging the menu up over the top of the pages you wish to place in the menu it will group them.
Inching them to the left will ensure they are placed there.
Do this for all pages.
Save the menu and choose which menu to place.
It will appear like this.
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