Thursday, 9 January 2014


I decided to use a different platform to what was advised by the college. Wordpress is complicated and takes too long. Cargo collective is a platform that links you to other works and artists, so is more likely for other people to see your work.

Having taken influence from other jewellery artists pages like Lauren Kalman and Ted Noten (see below) I decided to keep a crisp white background and design minimal.

Here are some pages from my professional webpage which you can find at http:www.


Photoshop Skills for Website


Having used the correct equipment - Light tent, SLR camera, lights and acrylic white background.
This is the quality of image I received even when tweaking the white balance, contrast etc etc...

 So.. I turned to Photoshop.

With a little help of cooling the photo down and playing with the balance and contrast I created quite crisp quality images for my website.

I need to further my knowledge of jewellery photography. I may purchase some books when my dissertation is over.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Lambs Throat

Through experimenting with different kinds of offal (livers, heart, lungs, etc) I have found the most intricate and beautiful results were found casting the throat of a lamb..

   Using the throat of an animal will add hidden content to my pieces as they will be rings. The idea of "sticking your fingers down your throat" is closely linked to food. As this is how many of eating disorders develop into a ritual.. or routine.

   Having been a adolescent girl who had unfortunately came under the popular umbrella of bulimic, I believe this change in direction is a powerful exploration into my thoughts and feelings towards eating disorders. 

   I lost 3 stone in the space of 6 months at one point in my life. It hurt to sit down, it hurt to eat and it hurt to laugh - as all these things cause stain to my bones. I do not feel apathy towards my actions -if not quite the opposite. I am ashamed I came unto such a condition - I chose to do that to my body. I did not respect myself nor did I respect my mother when she pleaded me to eat the meals she lovingly created. The consumer dogma I was under pressure from was pathetic to say the least; thanks to that (and a few crude words from an ex boyfriend) I decided to deny my body what it needed. 

  It is interesting to think about why I was so weak willed at that point in my life. Soon after the eating disorders passed I was diagnosed and put on medication for the foreseeable future. Maybe my weak will did never did disappear, it was just masked by 40mg a day.


As the silicone moulds are quite tough some of the plaster casts were unsalvageable after removing them.

 But here are the pewter casts...

Monday, 4 November 2013

Artist: Tara Sellios

Never been a fan of photography. Be it looking or shooting. The macabre beauty that is shown in Sellios' work is so fascinating I had to take the time to place her upon my blog.

From “Lessons of Impermanence”
From "Seven Evil Thoughts"

From "Retribution"
From "Impulses"

Alginate Molds

Firstly I made alginate molds to ensure I keep as much detail as I could from the sections of offal.